1. General information
The journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the list of Russian reviewed scientific journals, in which major scientific results of theses for academic degrees of doctor and candidate of science have to be published. ISSN 2227-1848 (Print) ISSN 2687-1637 (Online) The article of the journal is assigned an identifier DOI. Distribution principle: open-access journal Archives. The Journal is included into the database of the Russian Science Citation Index, has a full text network version on the Internet on the platform of Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU The Journal is placed in system of Scientific Electronic Library KiberLeninka 2. Aims, thematic headings and orientationThe aim of the Ulyanovsk Medico-Biological Journal is to expand scientific space for discussion of theoretical and applied studies in the field of medicine, biology and ecology as well as to develop the information platform for publications of the articles of Russian and foreign scientists. One of the main objectives of the Journal is to promote the exchange of ideas and achievements, reflecting most urgent problems of medicine, biology and ecology, which contribute to the development of creative ideas and new research directions. The journal publishes articles in the following fields of science: Clinical medicine (internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology and radiation diagnosis, immunology and endocrinology, pediatrics, neurology, rehabilitation and sports medicine); Preventive medicine (individual and public health care services); Physiology and neuroscience; Environmental Science (ecology, biology).Policy of Ethical Standards of «Ulyanovsk Medico-Biological Journal» 3. Editorial boardFounder: Ulyanovsk State University Midlenko Vladimir Ilyitch — editor-in-chief; The journal is registered in Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies and Communications — ПИ № ФС77–77594. Subscription index in the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation «Pressa Rossii» — 4407. Publisher: Journal is printed at the publishing center of Ulyanovsk State University 4. ContactsFounder: 432017, Ulyanovsk, Lev Tolstoy St., 42, Ulyanovsk State University, Telephone number 8(8422) 41-29–97, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Publisher: 432017, Ulyanovsk, Lev Tolstoy St., 42, Ulyanovsk State University, Telephone number 8(8422) 67-50-47, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone number: Postal address: |