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DOI: 10.23648/UMBJ.2017.25.5243

УДК 616.12-008.4:616.12-073


Н.В. Ларионова, А.М. Шутов, М.В. Мензоров

ФГБОУ ВО «Ульяновский государственный университет», г. Ульяновск, Россия

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У больных с острой декомпенсацией хронической сердечной недостаточности (ОДХСН) актуален поиск проаритмогенных факторов. Нарушения реполяризации миокарда, удлинение QT (QTc) связаны с риском развития желудочковых аритмий. Вариабельность QT является мерой временной лабильности миокарда. Индекс вариабельности QT (QTVI) используется в качестве неинвазивного маркера риска внезапной сердечной смерти.

Цель – оценить длительность QT, QTc, вариабельность и турбулентность сердечного ритма, количество желудочковых экстрасистол у больных, госпитализированных с острой декомпенсацией хронической сердечной недостаточности, уточнить влияние острого повреждения почек на течение ОДХСН.

Материалы и методы. Холтеровское мониторирование ЭКГ проведено в динамике 103 больным, госпитализированным с острой декомпенсацией хронической сердечной недостаточности.

Результаты и обсуждение. Длительность интервалов QT и корригированного QT при ОДХСН больше. Стабилизация состояния характеризуется нормализацией длительности QT у большинства больных. Удлинение QTc более 440 мс при острой декомпенсации хронической сердечной недостаточности выявлено у 42 (41 %) больных. У мужчин наличие острого повреждения почек (ОПП) влияет на пролонгацию корригированного интервала QT. Это влияние сохраняется до выписки из стационара. У женщин влияния ОПП на пролонгацию корригированного интервала QT не установлено. На 10-й день лечения сохранялось прежнее количество желудочковых экстрасистол за сутки, у больных с синусовым ритмом выявлено повышение QTVI, патологические значения показателей турбулентности сердечного ритма – начала и наклона турбулентности. Показатели вариабельности сердечного ритма, превышающие точки разделения риска смерти, не улучшались при клинической стабилизации.

Заключение. Несмотря на клиническую стабилизацию ОДХСН у больных сохраняются аритмогенные факторы.

Ключевые слова: острая декомпенсация хронической сердечной недостаточности, аритмогенные факторы, интервал QT и корригированный QT, индекс вариабельности QТ.



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3.    Ronco C., Haapio M., House A., Anavekar N. Cardiorenal syndrome. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008; 52: 1527–1539.

4.    Zipes D., Camm J., Borggrefe M. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for Management of Patients WithVentricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death). Circulation. 2006; 114: 385–484.

5.    Haigney M.C., Zareba W., Gentlesk P.J. Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II investigators QT interval variability and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial [MADIT] II. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2004; 44: 1481–1487.

6.    Piccirillo G., Magrì D., Matera S. QT variability strongly predicts sudden cardiac death in asymptomatic subjects with mild or moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction: a prospective study. European Heart Journal. 2007; 28: 1344–1350.

7.    Vrtovec B., Starc V., Starc R .Beat-to-beat QT interval variability in coronary patients. Journal of Electrocardiology. 2000; 33: 119–125.

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9.    Рузов В.И., Гимаев Р.Х., Разин В.А., Лукьяненко О.В., Сапожников А.Н., Шарангин С.А. Структурно-функциональное состояние миокарда и показатели сигнал-усредненной электрокардиограммы у больных гипертонической болезнью. Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика. 2005; 4 (6–2): 21–26.

10. Piccirillo G., Germanò G., Quaglione R. QT-interval variability and autonomic control in hypertensive subjects with left ventricular hypertrophy. Clinical Science. 2002; 102: 363–371.

11. Tereshchenko L.G., Cygankiewicz I., McNitt S. Predictive value of beat-to-beat QT variability index across the continuum of left ventricular dysfunction: competing risks of noncardiac or cardiovascular death and sudden or nonsudden cardiac death. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. 2012;
5: 719–727.

12. Berger R.D., Kasper E.K., Baughman K.L. Beat-to-beat QT interval variability. Novel evidence for repolarization lability in ischemic and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circulation. 1997; 6: 1557–1565.

13. Huh Y., Park E.S., Kim K. Alteration of the QT variability index in end-stage liver disease. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2014; 66 (3): 199–203.

14. Moore R.K., Groves D.G., Barlow P.E. Heart rate turbulence and death due to cardiac decompensation in patients with chronic heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2006; 8: 585–590.

15. Cygankiewicz I., Zareba W., Vazquez R. Heart rate turbulence predicts all-cause mortality and sudden death in congestive heart failure patients. Heart Rhythm. 2008; 5: 1095–1102.



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DOI: 10.23648/UMBJ.2017.25.5243


N.V. Larionova, A.M. Shutov, M.V. Menzorov

Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The search of pro-arrhythmogenic factors in patients with acute decompensated chronic heart failure (ADCHF) is relevant. Various abnormalities in myocardial repolarization and QTc prolongation are associated with the risk of ventricular arrhythmia. Previous studies have shown that increased temporal variability of repolarization, reflected by QT interval variability, can predict spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias. QT variability index is a non-invasive sudden cardiac death marker.

The objective of the research was to evaluate QT interval, heart rate variability and turbulence, the number of ventricular extrasystoles and to define the influence of acute renal injury in patients hospitalized with acute decompensated chronic heart failure.

Materials and Methods. Twenty-four-hour Holter recordings from 103 patients with аcute decompensated chronic heart failure were double analyzed during hospitalization using automatic algorithm to measure QT and heart rate to analyze the pro-arrhythmogenic factors.

Results and Discussion. It was established that аcute decompensated chronic heart failure was accompanied by QT and QTc prolongation. Stabilization was characterized by normalization of QT interval in most patients. QTc prolongation up to more than 440 ms under acute decompensated chronic heart failure was observed in 42 (41 %) patients. Acute kidney injury affected QT prolongation in males. Such an effect maintained until hospital discharge. Women did not demonstrate the influence of acute kidney injury effect on QT prolongation. On the 10th day of treatment, the same number of ventricular extrasystoles per day was observed. Patients with sinus rhythm revealed increased QT variability index, pathological values of heart rate turbulence, i.e. the beginning of the turbulence and its versions. Indicators of heart rate variability, which exceeded cut-off values of mortality risk, did not improve under clinical stabilization.

Conclusion. In spite of clinical stabilization patients with acute decompensated chronic heart failure still demonstrate arrhythmogenic factors.

Keywords: аcute decompensated chronic heart failure, pro-arrhythmogenic factors, QT interval, corrected QT, QT variability index.



  1. Felker G.M., Leimberger J.D., Califf R.M. Risk stratification after hospitalization for decompensated heart failure. J. Card. Fail. 2004; 10: 460–466.
  2. Bock J.S., Gottlieb S.S. Cardiorenal Syndrome: New Perspectives. Circulation. 2010; 121: 2592–2600.
  3. Ronco C., Haapio M., House A., Anavekar N. Cardiorenal syndrome. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2008; 52: 1527–1539.
  4. Zipes D., Camm J., Borggrefe M. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 Guidelines for Management of Patients WithVentricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death). Circulation. 2006; 114: 385–484.
  5. Haigney M.C., Zareba W., Gentlesk P.J. Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial II investigators QT interval variability and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation in the Multicenter Automatic Defibrillator Implantation Trial [MADIT] II. Journal . 2004; 44: 1481–1487.
  6. Piccirillo G., Magrì D., Matera S. QT variability strongly predicts sudden cardiac death in asymptomatic subjects with mild or moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction: a prospective study. European Heart Journal. 2007; 28: 1344–1350.
  7. Vrtovec B., Starc V., Starc R. Beat-to-beat QT interval variability in coronary patients. Journal of Electrocardiology. 2000; 33: 119–125.
  8. Gimaev R.Kh., Ruzov V.I., Razin V.A. Narushenie elektrofiziologicheskikh svoystv miokarda u bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey i sakharnym diabetom 2-go tipa [Alteration character of electrophysiological properties of myocardium in patients with arterial hypertension associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus]. Klinicheskaya meditsina. 2012; 90 (2): 35–39 (in Russian).
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  10. Piccirillo G., Germanò G., Quaglione R. QT-interval variability and autonomic control in hypertensive subjects with left ventricular hypertrophy. Clinical Science. 2002; 102: 363–371.
  11. Tereshchenko L.G., Cygankiewicz I., McNitt S. Predictive value of beat-to-beat QT variability index across the continuum of left ventricular dysfunction: competing risks of noncardiac or cardiovascular death and sudden or nonsudden cardiac death. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. 2012; 5: 719–727.
  12. Berger R.D., Kasper E.K., Baughman K.L. Beat-to-beat QT interval variability. Novel evidence for repolarization lability in ischemic and nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circulation.1997;6: 1557–1565.
  13. Huh Y., Park E.S., Kim K. Alteration of the QT variability index in end-stage liver disease. Korean Journal . 2014; 66 (3): 199–203.
  14. Moore R.K., Groves D.G., Barlow P.E. Heart rate turbulence and death due to cardiac decompensation in patients with chronic heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure. 2006; 8: 585–590.
  15. Cygankiewicz, Zareba W., Vazquez R. Heart rate turbulence predicts all-cause mortality and sudden death in congestive heart failure patients. Heart Rhythm. 2008; 5: 1095–1102.