УДК 612.18
М.О. Сегизбаева, Г.А. Данилова, С.Д. Солнушкин, В.Н. Чихман, Н.П. Александрова
ФГБУН «Институт физиологии им. И.П. Павлова РАН», г. Санкт-Петербург, Россия
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Цель исследования. Изучение функциональных возможностей инспираторных мышц здорового человека до и после выполнения велоэргометрической нагрузки возрастающей мощности «до отказа» на основе измерения индекса «напряжение — время».
Материалы и методы. Измеряли силовые и временные параметры мышечных сокращений и рассчитывали индекс «напряжение — время» при помощи специально разработанной экспериментальной модели прибора для оценки функционального состояния дыхательной мускулатуры.
Результаты. Тяжелая мышечная нагрузка приводила к снижению функционального резерва инспираторных мышц. После выполнения нагрузки максимальное инспираторное давление снижалось на 9% (p<0,05), значения индекса возрастали на 75% (p<0,05).
Заключение. Индекс «напряжение — время» является адекватным показателем, отражающим функциональное состояние инспираторных мышц человека, и позволяет оценить их резервные возможности после выполнения тяжелых мышечных нагрузок. Применение индекса возможно и целесообразно в практике спортивной медицины, клинической практике, экспериментальных исследованиях функции дыхательной системы.
Ключевые слова: индекс «напряжение — время», дисфункция инспираторных мышц, мышечная нагрузка.
1. Bellemare F., Grassino A. Effect of pressure and timing of contraction on human diaphragm fatigue. J. Appl. Physiol. 1982; 53 (5): 1190–1195.
2. Bellemare F., Grassino A. Evaluation of human diaphragm fatigue. J. Appl. Physiol. 1982; 53 (5): 1196–1206.
3. Bellemare F., Grassino A. Force reserve of the diaphragm in patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J. Appl. Physiol. 1983; 55 (1): 8–15.
4. Chlif M., Keochkerian D., Feki Y., Vaidie A., Choquet D., Ahmaidi S. Inspiratory muscle activity during incremental exercise in obese men. Int. J. Obes. (Lond.). 2007; 31 (9): 1456–1463.
5. Garcia-Rio F., Pino J.M., Ruiz A., Diaz S., Prados C., Villamor J. Accuracy of noninvasive estimates of respiratory muscle effort during spontaneous breathing in restrictive diseases. J. Appl. Physiol. 2003; 95 (4): 1542–1549.
6. García-Río F., Mediano O., Pino J.M., Lores V., Fernández I., Alvarez-Sala J.L., Villamor J. Noninvasive measurement of the maximum relaxation rate of inspiratory muscles in patients with neuromuscular disorders. Respiration. 2006; 73 (4): 474–480.
7. Hayot M., Ramonatxo M., Matecki S., Millic-Emili J., Prefault C. Noninvasive assessment of inspiratory muscle function during exercise. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2000; 162 (6): 2201–2207.
8. Ramonatxo M., Boulard P., Prefaut C. Validation of a noninvasive tension-time index of inspiratory muscles. J. Appl. Physiol. 1995; 78 (2): 646–653.
9. Romer L.M., Polkey M.I. Exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue: implications for performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 2008; 104 (3): 879–888.
10. Segizbaeva M.O., Donina Zh.A., Timofeev N.N., Korolyov Yu.N., Golubev V.N., Aleksandrova N.P. EMG-analyses of human inspiratory muscle resistance to fatigue during exercise. Adv. Exp. Med. and Biol. 2013; 788: 197–205.
11. Perlovitch R., Gefen A., Elad D., Ratnovsky A. Kramer M.R., Halpern P. Inspiratory muscles experience fatigue faster than the calf muscles during treadmill marching. Respir. Physiol. & Neurobiol. 2007; 156 (1): 61–68.
12. Segizbaeva M.O., Aleksandrova N.P. Effect of oxygen breathing on inspiratory muscle fatigue during resistive load in cycling men. J. Physiol. and Pharmacol. 2009; 60 (suppl. 5): 111–116.
M.O. Segizbaeva, G.A. Danilova, S.D. Solnushkin, V.N. Chikhman, N.P. Aleksandrova
Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Objective. Effects of exhaustive exercise on functional outcomes of inspiratory muscles were investigated in this study.
Materials and Methods. Power and timing parameters of muscle contraction as well as the tension-time index (TTI) were calculated. A specially designed experimental device model which assessed the respiratory muscles functional state was used during the trial.
Results. It was shown that exhaustive exercise resulted in the decrease of functional reserve of inspiratory muscles. After exhaustive exercise maximal inspiratory pressure decreased by 9% (p<0.05) and index values increased by 75% (p<0.05).
Conclusion. We conclude that TTI is a relevant index which reflects the functional state and reserve capabilities of inspiratory muscles after exhaustive exercise. The use of TTI is both possible and desirable in sports medicine, clinical and experimental studies of the respiratory system general mechanisms.
Keywords: tension-time index (TTI), inspiratory muscle fatigue, exhaustive exercise.
1. Bellemare F., Grassino A. Effect of pressure and timing of contraction on human diaphragm fatigue. J. Appl. Physiol. 1982; 53 (5): 1190–1195.
2. Bellemare F., Grassino A. Evaluation of human diaphragm fatigue. J. Appl. Physiol. 1982; 53 (5): 1196–1206.
3. Bellemare F., Grassino A. Force reserve of the diaphragm in patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J. Appl. Physiol. 1983; 55 (1): 8–15.
4. Chlif M., Keochkerian D., Feki Y., Vaidie A., Choquet D., Ahmaidi S. Inspiratory muscle activity during incremental exercise in obese men. Int. J. Obes. (Lond.). 2007; 31 (9): 1456–1463.
5. Garcia-Rio F., Pino J.M., Ruiz A., Diaz S., Prados C., Villamor J. Accuracy of noninvasive estimates of respiratory muscle effort during spontaneous breathing in restrictive diseases. J. Appl. Physiol. 2003; 95 (4): 1542–1549.
6. García-Río F., Mediano O., Pino J.M., Lores V., Fernández I., Alvarez-Sala J.L., Villamor J. Noninvasive measurement of the maximum relaxation rate of inspiratory muscles in patients with neuromuscular disorders. Respiration. 2006; 73 (4): 474–480.
7. Hayot M., Ramonatxo M., Matecki S., Millic-Emili J., Prefault C. Noninvasive assessment of inspiratory muscle function during exercise. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2000; 162 (6): 2201–2207.
8. Ramonatxo M., Boulard P., Prefaut C. Validation of a noninvasive tension-time index of inspiratory muscles. J. Appl. Physiol. 1995; 78 (2): 646–653.
9. Romer L.M., Polkey M.I. Exercise-induced respiratory muscle fatigue: implications for performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 2008; 104 (3): 879–888.
10. Segizbaeva M.O., Donina Zh.A., Timofeev N.N., Korolyov Yu.N., Golubev V.N., Aleksandrova N.P. EMG-analyses of human inspiratory muscle resistance to fatigue during exercise. Adv. Exp. Med. and Biol. 2013; 788: 197–205.
11. Perlovitch R., Gefen A., Elad D., Ratnovsky A. Kramer M.R., Halpern P. Inspiratory muscles experience fatigue faster than the calf muscles during treadmill marching. Respir. Physiol. & Neurobiol. 2007; 156 (1): 61–68.
12. Segizbaeva M.O., Aleksandrova N.P. Effect of oxygen breathing on inspiratory muscle fatigue during resistive load in cycling men. J. Physiol. and Pharmacol. 2009; 60 (suppl. 5): 111–116.