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DOI 10.34014/2227-1848-2022-4-128-138


Yu.Yu. Byalovskiy, I.S. Rakitina

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ryazan, Russia


The development and implementation of scientifically based methods for athletes’ functional status improvement is rather relevant. One of such methods implies additional respiratory resistance (ARR).

The aim of the study is to determine how additional respiratory resistance influences physical fitness of judo athletes.

Materials and Methods. The trial subjects (n=42) were divided into two groups. The main group (n=25) trained under ARR equal to 20 % Pmmax, where Pmmax is the maximum intraoral pressure, evaluated under complete mouth and nose overlap. Athletes trained under ARR once a day for 6 weeks. The training session lasted 25 minutes. The control group (n=27) trained without ARR.

Results. By the 6th week of physical training under ARR, the athletes of the treatment group demonstrated significant increase in tidal volume (p<0.05), maximum intraoral pressure (p<0.05), and physical performance (p<0.05) compared to the control. Maximum oxygen consumption significantly increased (p<0.05) in the athletes of the treatment group. The most significant changes in speed-strength readiness (compared to the control) were noted in barbell squats (p<0.05), 60-meter and 100-meter dash (p<0.01).

Conclusion. 6-week training session with ARR equal to 20% Pmmax has a positive effect on the physical fitness of judo athletes.

Key words: additional respiratory resistance, physical fitness of judo athletes.



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  7. Illi S.K., Held U., Frank I., Spengler C.M. Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals. Sports Med. 2012; 42: 707–724.

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  10. Shei R.J. Respiratory muscle training and aquatic sports performance. J Sports Sci Med. 2018; 17: 161–162.

  11. Shei R.J., Paris H.L.R., Wilhite D.P., Chapman R.F., Mickleborough T.D. The role of inspiratory muscle training in the management of asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Phys Sportsmed. 2016; 44: 327–334.

  12. Johnson M., Sharpe G., Brown P. Inspiratory muscle training improves cycling time-trial performance and anaerobic work capacity but not critical power. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017; 101: 761–770.

  13. Leddy J.J., Limprasertkul A., Patel S., Modlich F., Buyea C., Pendergast D.R., Lundgren C.E. Isocapnic hyperpnea training improves performance in competitive male runners. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007; 99: 665–676.

  14. Riganas C.S., Vrabas I.S., Christoulas K., Mandroukas K. Specific inspiratory muscle training does not improve performance or VO2max levels in well trained rowers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2008; 48: 285–292.

  15. Volianitis S., McConnell A.K., Koutedakis Y., McNaughton L., Backx K., Jones D.A. Inspiratory muscle training improves rowing performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011; 33: 803–809.

  16. Brilla L.R., Kauffman T.H. Effect of inspiratory muscle training and core exercise training on core functional tests. J Exerc Physiol. 2014; 17: 12–20.

  17. Mishchenko V., Sawczyn S., Cybulska A., Pasek M. Special Training of Inspiratory Muscles in Fitness Activities and Exercise Capacity in Young Women. Hum Mov. 2017; 18 (3): 46–54.

  18. Edwards A.M. Respiratory muscle training extends exercise tolerance without concomitant change to peak oxygen uptake: physiological, performance and perceptual responses derived from the same incremental exercise test. Respirology. 2013; 18: 1022–1027.

  19. Bernardi E., Melloni E., Mandolesi G., Uliari S., Grazzi G., Cogo A. Respiratory muscle endurance training improves breathing pattern in triathletes. Ann Sports Med Res. 2014; 1: 1003.

  20. Archiza B., Andaku D.K., Caruso F.C., Bonjorno J.C., Oliveira C.R., Ricci P.A., Amaral A.C., Mattiello S.M., Libardi C.A., Phillips S.A., Arena R., Borghi-Silva A. Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. J Sport Sci. 2018; 36: 771–780.

  21. Granados J., Gillum T.L., Castillo W., Christmas K.M., Kuennen M.R. “Functional” respiratory muscle training during endurance exercise causes modest hypoxemia but overall is well tolerated. J Strength Cond Res. 2016; 30: 755–762.

  22. Porcari J.P., Probst L., Forrester K., Doberstein S., Foster C., Cress M.L., Schmidt K. Effect of wearing the elevation training mask on aerobic capacity, lung function, and hematological variables. J Sports Sci Med. 2016; 15: 379–386.

  23. Walterspacher S., Pietsch F., Walker D.J., Rocker K., Kabitz H.J. Activation of respiratory muscles during respiratory muscle training. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018; 247: 126–132.

  24. Tong T.K., McConnell A.K., Lin H., Nie J., Zhang H., Wang J. “Functional” inspiratory and core muscle training enhances running performance and economy. J Strength Cond Res. 2016; 30: 2942–2951.

  25. Lomax M., Massey H.C., House J.R. Inspiratory muscle training effects on cycling during acute hypoxic exposure. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017; 88: 544–549.

  26. Downey A.E., Chenoweth L.M., Townsend D.K., Ranum J.D., Ferguson C.S., Harms C.A. Effects of inspiratory muscle training on exercise responses in normoxia and hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2007; 156: 137–146.

  27. Segizbaeva M.O., Timofeev N.N., Donina Z.A., Kur’yanovich E.N., Aleksandrova N.P. Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Resistance to Fatigue of Respiratory Muscles During Exhaustive Exercise. In: Pokorski M., ed. Body Metab Exerc. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2015: 35–43.

  28. Mills D.E., Johnson M.A., McPhilimey M.J., Williams N.C., Gonzalez J.T., Barnett Y.A., Sharpe G.R. The effects of inspiratory muscle training on plasma interleukin-6 concentration during cycling exercise and a volitional mimic of the exercise hyperpnea. J Appl Physiol. 2013; 115: 1163–1172.

  29. Byalovskiy Yu.Yu., Rakitina I.S. Vliyanie dopolnitel'nogo respiratornogo soprotivleniya na tolerantnost' k fizicheskoy nagruzke [Effect of additional respiratory resistance on exercise tolerance]. Tekhnologii zhivykh sistem. 2022; 19 (2): 57–69. DOI: (in Russian).

Received 31 October 2022; accepted 07 November 2022.


Information about the authors

Byalovskiy Yuriy Yul'evich, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Chair of Pathophysiology, Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 390026, Russia, Ryazan, Vysokovol'tnaya St., 9; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID ID:

Rakitina Irina Sergeevna, Candidate of Sciences (Medicine), Associate Professor, Chair of Pathophysiology, Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. 390026, Russia, Ryazan, Vysokovol'tnaya St., 9; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID ID:


For citation

Byalovskiy Yu.Yu., Rakitina I.S. Effektivnost' ispol'zovaniya dopolnitel'nogo respiratornogo soprotivleniya dlya optimizatsii fizicheskoy podgotovki dzyudoistov [Effectiveness of additional respiratory resistance for physical fitness of judo athletes]. Ul'yanovskiy mediko-biologicheskiy zhurnal. 2022; 4: 128–138. DOI: 10.34014/2227-1848-2022-4-128-138 (in Russian).


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УДК 796.01:61

DOI 10.34014/2227-1848-2022-4-128-138


Ю.Ю. Бяловский, И.С. Ракитина

ФГБОУ ВО «Рязанский государственный медицинский университет им. академика И.П. Павлова» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, г. Рязань, Россия


Высокую актуальность имеет разработка и внедрение научно обоснованных методов оптимизации функционального состояния спортсменов. К таким методам относится включение дополнительного респираторного сопротивления (ДРС).

Целью исследования было определение влияния дополнительного респираторного сопротивления на динамику физической подготовленности борцов секции дзюдо.

Материалы и методы. Испытуемые (42 чел.) составили две группы: основная группа (25 чел.) дзюдоистов использовала в тренировочном процессе ДРС величиной 20 % Pmmax, где Pmmax – максимальное внутриротовое давление, определяемое при полном перекрытии рта и носа; контрольная группа (27 чел.) осуществляла цикл общефизической тренировки без использования ДРС. Тренировки с ДРС в основной группе проводились 1 раз в день в течение 25 мин на протяжении 6 нед.

Результаты. К 6-й нед. цикла общефизической тренировки с использованием ДРС отмечалось достоверное (р<0,05) увеличение дыхательного объема, повышение максимального внутриротового давления (р<0,05), рост физической работоспособности (p<0,05) относительно группы контроля. Тестирование максимального потребления кислорода выявило достоверное повышение данного показателя (р<0,05) у представителей основной группы. Наиболее значимые изменения показателей скоростно-силовой подготовленности относительно контрольной группы отмечались в отношении приседаний со штангой (р<0,05) и бега на 60 и 100 м (р<0,01).

Выводы. Включение в тренировочный режим общефизической подготовки дзюдоистов 6-недельной тренировки с ДРС 20 % Pmmax оказывает положительное влияние на динамику физической подготовленности борцов.

Ключевые слова: дополнительное респираторное сопротивление, физическая подготовленность дзюдоистов.



Бяловский Ю.Ю., Лапкин М.М., Похачевский А.Л., Булатецкий С.В., Воронин Р.М., Давыдов В.В. Моделирование и эффективность интервальной гипоксической нагрузки. Теория и практика физической культуры. 2017; 12: 59–61.

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Цапов Е.Г., Козлов Р.А., Котляр Н.Н. Реакция кардиореспираторной системы в ответ на физическую нагрузку у спортсменов-дзюдоистов. Актуальные проблемы современной науки, техники и образования. 2017; 2: 306–309.

Базикян Э.А., Староверов В.Ю., Чунихин А.А. Перспективы применения внутриротовых тренажеров в спорте высших достижений. Российская стоматология. 2016; 9 (4): 48–51.

Сухонь Е.В., Сосна Л.С., Шведова Н.В. Адаптационные реакции организма спортсменов-биатлонистов к физическим нагрузкам в равнинных и горных условиях. Прикладная спортивная наука. 2018; 1: 63–67.

Haj Ghanbari B., Yamabayashi C., Buna T.R., Coelho J.D., Freedman K.D., Morton T.A., Palmer S.A., Toy M.A., Walsh C., Sheel A.W., Reid W.D. Effects of respiratory muscle training on performance in athletes: a systematic review with meta-analyses. J Strength Cond Res. 2013; 27: 1643–1663.

Illi S.K., Held U., Frank I., Spengler C.M. Effect of respiratory muscle training on exercise performance in healthy individuals. Sports Med. 2012; 42: 707–724.

Shei R.J., Chapman R.F., Gruber A.H., Mickleborough T.D. Inspiratory muscle training improves exercise capacity with thoracic load carriage. Physiol Rep. 2018; 6: e13558.

Бяловский Ю.Ю., Булатецкий С.В. Физиологические механизмы резистивного дыхания человека. М.: Ритм; 2018. 412. ISBN 978-5-6041754-4-6.

Shei R.J. Respiratory muscle training and aquatic sports performance. J Sports Sci Med. 2018; 17: 161–162.

Shei R.J., Paris H.L.R., Wilhite D.P., Chapman R.F., Mickleborough T.D. The role of inspiratory muscle training in the management of asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Phys Sportsmed. 2016; 44: 327–334.

Johnson M., Sharpe G., Brown P. Inspiratory muscle training improves cycling time-trial performance and anaerobic work capacity but not critical power. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2017; 101: 761–770.

Leddy J.J., Limprasertkul A., Patel S., Modlich F., Buyea C., Pendergast D.R., Lundgren C.E. Isocapnic hyperpnea training improves performance in competitive male runners. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007; 99: 665–676.

Riganas C.S., Vrabas I.S., Christoulas K., Mandroukas K. Specific inspiratory muscle training does not improve performance or VO2max levels in well trained rowers. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2008; 48: 285–292.

Volianitis S., McConnell A.K., Koutedakis Y., McNaughton L., Backx K., Jones D.A. Inspiratory muscle training improves rowing performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011; 33: 803–809.

Brilla L.R., Kauffman T.H. Effect of inspiratory muscle training and core exercise training on core functional tests. J Exerc Physiol. 2014; 17: 12–20.

Mishchenko V., Sawczyn S., Cybulska A., Pasek M. Special Training of Inspiratory Muscles in Fitness Activities and Exercise Capacity in Young Women. Hum Mov. 2017; 18 (3): 46–54.

Edwards A.M. Respiratory muscle training extends exercise tolerance without concomitant change to peak oxygen uptake: physiological, performance and perceptual responses derived from the same incremental exercise test. Respirology. 2013; 18: 1022–1027.

Bernardi E., Melloni E., Mandolesi G., Uliari S., Grazzi G., Cogo A. Respiratory muscle endurance training improves breathing pattern in triathletes. Ann Sports Med Res. 2014; 1: 1003.

Archiza B., Andaku D.K., Caruso F.C., Bonjorno J.C., Oliveira C.R., Ricci P.A., Amaral A.C., Mattiello S.M., Libardi C.A., Phillips S.A., Arena R., Borghi-Silva A. Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. J Sport Sci. 2018; 36: 771–780.

Granados J., Gillum T.L., Castillo W., Christmas K.M., Kuennen M.R. “Functional” respiratory muscle training during endurance exercise causes modest hypoxemia but overall is well tolerated. J Strength Cond Res. 2016; 30: 755–762.

Porcari J.P., Probst L., Forrester K., Doberstein S., Foster C., Cress M.L., Schmidt K. Effect of wearing the elevation training mask on aerobic capacity, lung function, and hematological variables. J Sports Sci Med. 2016; 15: 379–386.

Walterspacher S., Pietsch F., Walker D.J., Rocker K., Kabitz H.J. Activation of respiratory muscles during respiratory muscle training. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2018; 247: 126–132.

Tong T.K., McConnell A.K., Lin H., Nie J., Zhang H., Wang J. “Functional” inspiratory and core muscle training enhances running performance and economy. J Strength Cond Res. 2016; 30: 2942–2951.

Lomax M., Massey H.C., House J.R. Inspiratory muscle training effects on cycling during acute hypoxic exposure. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017; 88: 544–549.

Downey A.E., Chenoweth L.M., Townsend D.K., Ranum J.D., Ferguson C.S., Harms C.A. Effects of inspiratory muscle training on exercise responses in normoxia and hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2007; 156: 137–146.

Segizbaeva M.O., Timofeev N.N., Donina Z.A., Kur’yanovich E.N., Aleksandrova N.P. Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Resistance to Fatigue of Respiratory Muscles During Exhaustive Exercise. In: Pokorski M., ed. Body Metab Exerc. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2015: 35–43.

Mills D.E., Johnson M.A., McPhilimey M.J., Williams N.C., Gonzalez J.T., Barnett Y.A., Sharpe G.R. The effects of inspiratory muscle training on plasma interleukin-6 concentration during cycling exercise and a volitional mimic of the exercise hyperpnea. J Appl Physiol. 2013; 115: 1163–1172.

Бяловский Ю.Ю., Ракитина И.С. Влияние дополнительного респираторного сопротивления на толерантность к физической нагрузке. Технологии живых систем. 2022; 19 (2): 57–69. DOI:

Поступила в редакцию 31.10.2022; принята 07.11.2022.


Авторский коллектив

Бяловский Юрий Юльевич – доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой патофизиологии, ФГБОУ ВО «Рязанский государственный медицинский университет им. академика И.П. Павлова» Минздрава России. 390026, Россия, г. Рязань, ул. Высоковольтная, 9; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID ID:

Ракитина Ирина Сергеевна – кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры патофизиологии, ФГБОУ ВО «Рязанский государственный медицинский университет им. академика И.П. Павлова» Минздрава России. 390026, Россия, г. Рязань, ул. Высоковольтная, 9; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID ID:


Образец цитирования

Бяловский Ю.Ю., Ракитина И.С. Эффективность использования дополнительного респираторного сопротивления для оптимизации физической подготовки дзюдоистов. Ульяновский медико-биологический журнал. 2022; 4: 128–138. DOI: 10.34014/2227-1848-2022-4-128-138.